Love of curves

Yoriko Matsudaira


Curves with soft bends,
They symbolise grace, flowing beauty and love.


NFT / digital art


When the gently graceful curves flow into our eyes,
We feel as if our hearts are floating in a flurry.

Their appearance is as if they are overflowing with life force,
They bring us a sense of strength.

The curves also have a unique softness,
The soft lines embrace us and give us a gentle sense of relief.

Enjoy lots of love.

Yoriko Matsudaira

This work will be exhibited at LIBRE2023-Kyoto-.
I have exhibited my work at events across the country, including as title sponsor of the NFT Collection in Sendai in October 2023.


LIBRE 2023 -Kyoto-


ArtworksLIBRE 2023 -Kyoto-