

The name "1992" has no deep meaning! It is the year of daikimaru's birth!

The image of the work is based on a mural of an archaeological site, and I combined my favourite graffiti art (like graffiti in the city) with my own expression.

The messages are positive ('Live life without regrets' and 'The best time with the best art!) ).
I also wanted to include an expression of depth in the artwork, so I included a painting that comes out from behind the mural.

It is a work of art that is both ancient and modern.


NFT / digital art


Thank you for taking a look!

If you think "I don't know what it is, but it's great" or "There's some interesting work here", it's a great success for me!
I drew it in great detail, so I would be very happy if you took the time to look at it!


I am daikimaru. I started painting digitally last year and now I also paint analogue art. This year I participated in a group exhibition and exhibited my work.I am also commissioned to design clothes.


LIBRE 2023 -Kyoto-
