


In the vivid world of 「World of Eritamagero」, there is a great variety of geros. They have different shapes and colors, but together they live with peace and smiles. This work conveys the importance of peace and equality in diversity. We can feel happiness from their smiling faces. The unique geros are building a world together, which is a message that is also relevant to our society.


NFT / デジタルアート


Did you like these colourful 'geros'?
If they make you smile or make you happy, I'm happy too.
In the near future, we would like to create a Gero resort island in Metaverse.
Together, we will build a world that values diversity, peace and freedom.
Have a good time today.


Born in Akita City. Volleyball enthusiast since second grade, handmade jewellery artist since 2020, also working on digital art with the birth of Gero. She is currently developing and promoting Gero goods at Tohoku events.


LIBRE 2023 -Kyoto-


ArtworksLIBRE 2023 -Kyoto-